Northseahouting photo taken from the Ferskvandsaquariet in Silkeborg/DK.
Northseahouting |
(lat. Coregonus oxyrinchus (Linnaeus 1758) |
Schutzstatus: ? Description: Length up to 60cm than weighing about 5 kg. |
historical appearance: In europe in the
waddensea from norther france over the german bight up to the danish
Nordseacoast near Esbjerg (mouth of Vardeau). appearance actual: In europe in the wadden sea with center of gravity in Schleswig-Holstein/southdenmark. Also there are running some reintroductionproject in the elbe, rhine and more smoller rivers. |
Lifecycle: As an anadromous fish the houting swims from costal waters into the lower riverareas to spawn over gritty grounds. The larvae driften riverdownwards but stay in freshwater to first growth. |
specials : This species is very a very weak swimmer with regard to migratonobstacles. |
ngoing informations : very informing site you can find in english or danish under |