Ostseeschnäpel. Foto
aus dem Haus des Meeres in Stralsund.
Baltic Houting
(lat. Coregonus lavaretus balticus (Thienemann 1934)) |
Conservation state: ? Description: Length up to 60cm than weighing about 5 kg. |
historical appearance: In europe in the baltic
sea in the Bodden-landscape of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. appearance actual: In europe in the baltic sea in the Bodden-landscape of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and in the Darßer Bodden. Actually there is also a reintroduction-project in the river Trave bei Lübeck/Schleswig-Holstein/germany. |
Lifecycle: as an anadromous fish the grown-up houting swims into the Bodden-areas to spawn there on hard ground at a watertemperature of 5-6 degrees C . after 250 days of degree sie larvae eclose. |
specials : This species is very a very weak swimmer with regard to migratonobstacles. |
ongoing informations : http://www.fischumwelt.de/html/puplikation3.html ; http://www.snaebel.dk |