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Preparation of a 2,05 m long atlantic sturgeon that was caught in 1964 near Gotland in the baltic sea.
The animal ist exposed in the houses of the seas in Stralsund/Germany.

Atlantic  Sturgeon

(lat. Acipenser oxyrhinchus, Linneaus 1758)

Conservation state: 0 extinct (Germany), - no historical occurrence in lower saxony

see description in the overview. Lengthup to  2,5 - 2,9m than weighing about 300 kg. Age about. 60 years.

Appearance historisch: In Europe in the baltic see until about 1920. In northamerica at the entire eastcoast with large genetic variations from north to south.

Appearance actual: The wild population of these animals is found at the northamerican eastcoast. In germany there are a number of animals in hatcheries that where imported from canada. On the 11.4.2006 ther were set out 2000 juvenile sturgeons by the society for the saviour of the sturgeon. the finance contribution of federal ministry of nature conservation was 750.000 Euro.

Lifecycle: Being an anadromous fish the grown-up sturgeons migrate into to middel run of the rivers to spwan on gritty grounds. The male sturgeon mature after an age of  6 to10 years and the females need even  8 to 15 years to be mature. They spawned up to  2,3 Millionen eggs.

Besonderes : In opposite to A. sturio this species is more easy to get used to alternative food.

further informations : see sturgeon overview
Ac. oxyrhinchus out of a hatchery
picutres below and right : one year old atlantic sturgeons out of a hatchery