Common Sturgeon |
(lat. Acipenser sturio, Linneaus 1758) |
Conservation state: 0 extinct (Germany), 0 extinct (lower saxony) Description: see description in the overview. Lenght up to about 3m, then weighing up to 300 kg. Age about. 60 years. |
Appearance historical: from the Black Sea, over the
mediterranean to France up to the German rivers rhine, weser, eider, stoer
to England and in the baltic sea also in iceland and norway. Appearance actual: The last wild populaton lives in the french Gironde-bassin. In german rivers extinct. In germany there are 20 individuals in the Leibnitz institute for inland fisheries in Potsdam. One animal lives in an aquarium at helgoland. Single catches appear sometimes (see tabel).. |
The above mentioned 21 animals are the only ones in germany at present.. |
further informations : see sturgeon-overview and a report about the behaviour of juvenile sturgeon in the gironde in france is found under ... A film about a historical sturgeon catch in the river Eider is to be found on the internetpages of the society for the saviour of the sturgeon. |