For downstream migrations there is not yet a
satisfactory solution. This was the common opinion of the gathered expert at
the Symposium of the international commission for the protexction of the
rhine in Bonn/ Germany in november 2005. Thus some soltution are to be shown
in this section.
Also there ist no fishway for the upstream migration
that would help essential fishes that are willing to move downstream,
besides the total breakdown of a hindrance. This means that there is to
think of both Fishways for upstream and downstream migration when thinking
of improvemtn for fishmovements. Especially in the surroundings of
hydropowerstations this is essential because normally the main flow, which
the fishes follow leads directly into the turbines and damaeges a certain
percentage of the fishes. Thus the width of the
screens is a very important criteria. As a postulation screnn should not be
wider than 10 mm for Atlantic Salmon smolts and 15mm for Silvereel (A.anguilla)

Screenshot from a presentation of Mr. Dumont of the egineerburo Flocksmuehle
as presentated on the Symposium of the IKSR about the subject Fishmigration
on the 2.-4.11.2005 in Bonn/Germany. |