Plannings: New March 2010
: Starting up from november 2009 to march 2010 there is a monitoring for lampreys
being conducted using a fyke (see picture below) . First results
indicate essential deficits within upstream migration. During 4.11.2009
until 3.01.2010 there were found 12 (!) fishes in the fishway - in a
comparable period there were 47.572 fishes found in the control fyke at
Langwedel (river Weser) an 18906 fishes in the River Ems at a place called "Bollinger
Faehr" !
. All fish species will be registered. Rheophil species might
have a negativ effect because the recuction of the meshes will lead to a
reduced attraction current. The instruction for this monitoring is conducted
by the
LAVES. Parallel
there is a plan for a function control of the new fishladder that is built
up at Bannetze (Completion october
2009) .
On the 27th of August 2008 (picture on the left) there is no water running
over the inflatable weir due to the little discharge of water. But the
fishway works (see picture below) as designed for this discharge.
Personal note 10.10.2007:
The inflatable weir is ready to work (picture above). The old weir is broken
The new Verticalslot-fishway is installed (500 litres/sec) with an additional
attraction current, that does not work at the waterlevel on the upper picture
For the downstream migration there are several bypasses near to
the inlet at the hydropowerstation. The bypasses are both near to the surface and near to the bottom line. The
function control within the fishway is not planned ideal and should be
conceptional thought about (see picture below). On the one hand the fishtrap
should be installed cross to the flow direction to enlarge the attraction
current an on the other hand the bottom connection is not ideal. 06.04.2002:
(the old fiishway is now filled up with concrete) : Basin-fishway with big
basins (app. 2,47 x1,80 m). Downstream-inlet directly at the mainstream.
Function control (information by Jürgen Wagner) : In the years 1953
to 1959 (besides 1956) there were fykenets installed which reported catches
are in some aspects doubtable. In a survey of 1995 about the suitability BRUNKEN und MEYER
say that this fishway is only restricted functionable (report is available).
Beyond that it is partly damaged. Downstream migration: at that time
merely likely.