our rivers there are a lot of hydropowerstations, sluices and weirs hindering the
migration of many waterorganism. Projects like Aller-Oker-Salmon, Schuntersalmon
or the "Aktion Fischotterschutz" (campaign otterprotection) try to effect the
public interest with symbols as Salmon or Otter .
These sites are to
give an overview on such obstructions in German y and the netherlands. The area
in lower saxony with the rivers Aller, Oker, Schunter and Oertze is quite well described. The description
is completed with central obstructions in other
german rivers und their fishmigrationinstallations. In addition there are
filled in own knowledges - comments of the internet-community are likely to
be seen. So your knowledge is asked for to perhaps get a better
understanding for more people on the whole subject. In advance on the EU-waterframework
directive (Thinking an working along the rivers) it could be possible to
develope an entire concept for the patency of rivers - up-
and downstream. An additional attendent to this plan is the Aller - Oker -Lachs-Gemeinschaft
(AOLG) english: Aller-Oker-Salmon-Association. This association tries to bring
together landowners - Fishingassociations, Fischingcooperatives and
Waterassociations under one roof to find synergetic proposals for the
reintroduction of Atlantic Salmon in the watershed of the Aller.
The base of this documentation is the knowledge of the "Fliessgewaesserschutzsystem"
english : Riverprotectionsystem of the "Niedersächsischen Landesamt für Ökologie (NLÖ
- today LAVES)", english : Countryoffice of lower-saxony for ecology,
in the year 1990. Informations about rivers outside of lowersaxony in Germany
have the same layout but the base is not derived by an offcial documentation.
Initiated by the start of the Project "Schunterlachs" ,english: Schuntersalmon,
I made a journey along the Aller in April 2002, the findings of this journey
were put into this homepage. To make this dokumentation more lively may anbody
give actual informations to me so i can update this sites for a better
understanding of the problems that waterorgansim have. Legend :
S1 clickable Migrationobstacle of the
NLOE - Riverprotectionsystem N1 clickable Migrationobstacle - new development S1
complete free migration because of very good migrationdevice up und down
Keeper of the river in "Angel- und Gewässerschutzvereins
Wolfsburg-Vorsfelde"english: Fisching-and Waterprotection Association
Wolfsburg-Vorsfelde, and Member of the Salmonboard of the
Stefan Ludwig |
