(lat. Aspius aspius, Linneaus 1758) |
Conservation state: FFH II, 3 endangered (Germany), 3
endangered (Niedersachsen)
Description: The Asp is a withefish that more and more tends
to prey on fishes while gowing up. Its stretched, lateral flattened
bodyshape in addition to the very large tailfin which in water mostly looks
a little bit darkened than the rest of the body ist an ideal qualifikation
for extreme swimming performance that is needed to prey on small fishes.
Prey on fishes often takes place near to the surface where it is accompanied
by loud pounding of waves because of the size and strength of the fishes.
Adult individuals may reach a length of one metre with a weight of about 10
Appearance: Originally Balkan, River Elbe and
eastward from that.
In the meanwhile also in the rivers Weser and Rhine omnipresent.
Lifecycle: As a potamodromous migrating fish the adult asp may
run up to 100 km within bigger rivers. Migration is made for spawning places
with gravel and in the search of prey. The requirements on the gravel
qualitiy are low so that survival of this species does not
depend on this factor as it does for the migrating salmonids.
Features : The Asp is a very mobile fishspecies that even
besides the spawningseason is able to cover a large distance within few time.
Beeing a species living in the large rivers the asp spreads more and more
into channels such as the midlandchannel (Mittellandkanal) in Northern
Germany. |
continuative Infomations :
Fischökologie ??
und NLÖ ?