Actual informations about migrating fishspecies
14.12.2009 |
"The Number of books which the Atlantic Salmon has stimulated
writers to pen is formidable. One stands out :"LIFEHISTORY AND
" ...this text I found in the "Trout and Salmon" magazine of july this year.
This book was first released in 1910 and there was a second edition with more informations in 1912. Within this book the author reports about his findings about salmon migration, that he gained by broadly tagging of migrating smolts in 1905. In the section about monitoring there is an own chapter about this still actual work reserved.
04.12.2009 |
For the national conversion of the european actionplan for the european or common sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) the german BfN (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit) has contracted the society to save the sturgeon to built up an national actionplan to reintroduce the european sturgeon. The actionplan will be the frame for the future activities for the protection an reintroductionof the (in Germany) extinct european strugeon, on this base catchment specific managementplans will be worked out to coordinate the necessary aktivities.
04.12.2009 |
The Workshop entitled "FitFish - Swimming physiology of fish" will be held in
Barcelona (Spain) on July 2-3, 2010. More Information you find under: This workshop is a satellite event of the 9th International Congress on the Biology of Fish that will be subsequently held on July 5-9 in Barcelona. |
04.12.2009 | The 1st International Conference on FishTelemetry outside of Europe (9th Conference on Fish Telemetry over all) is to be held from the 12th June (Sunday) until the 18th June (Saturday), 2011. The Conference will be held at the Conference Hall of Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. | |
02.12.2009 |
Salmon record from the river Stoer ! Unbelievable 120 cm and estimated 20 kg
weighed this magnificent salmon cockfish .
02.12.2009 | By Peter Wessendorf there comes a very informative report about the river oste | |
30.11.2009 |
The seatrout from Hannover (see 27.11.2009) is a true migrant ! It was tagged at
the Siegwehr in Buisdorf ...![]() The information about tagging location and date was kindly supplied by Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz NRW . |
27.11.2009 |
Two times there were caught tagged seatrouts :
1. Already in the mid of Juli there was a seatrout measuring 70cm
caught in the river Leine (Wesersystem) , that was probably tagged at the river Sieg (Rheinsystem !!!)
with a so-called "floytag" . ..and 2. in the river Oste seatrout have been found with finclips and scale-removements :
Who knows where these seatrouts caught in the river Oste have been marked ?
Please send a mail to info(at) As soon as there is news about
the fish from the river Sieg you will get informed. |
25.11.2009 |
The Weir at Wolthausen in the river Örtze will get a
fishway: |
19.11.2009 |
River Lampreys and no end - at the river Ems at the weir called "Bollinger Faehr" it looked like that picture below... and ther was also a seatrout caught ...
The same at Langwedel at the river Weser :
18.11.2009 |
Already on the 01.11.2009 this picture was send to me from Aukrug in Schleswig-Holstein made after an elctrofishing in the watershed of the river Stoer :
Hartwig Hahn
and his team could catch a lot of fishes for their hatchery -
among a lot of big fishes there was a milter of 113 cm !!! A detailed report
will be given soon. |
12.11.2009 |
The first
day of lamprey-monitoring at Langwedel/Weser (thought to be a test run) brought
about 200 kg very active river lampreys. The total catch of the first day was
about 1300 animals with a length between 28 and 41 cm). |
11.11.2009 | On the 2.12.2009 at 20:15 on the German TV-Station N3 there will be shown the film "Vom Harz zur Nordsee - Die Rückkehr der Lachse" (From the Harz mountains to the northsea - the return of the salmon) with in the series " Expeditionen ins Tierreich" (expeditions into the empire of animals) gesendet. More informations (german language) here.... | |
10.11.2009 | At the first control in Marklendorf there was a seatrout found measuring 58 cm !! | |
05.11.2009 |
At two migration obstacles in the watershed of the river Weser there is a sea-
and river lamprey monitoring being made. These are the weir at
Langwedel/Intschede in the Weser and at the
weir in Marklendorf in the lower
river Aller. In Bannetze in the lower
Aller there is a fishway being built that will be finished in November 2009.
After that there will also be a monitoring on this species![]() The picture above shows the fishtrap in Langwedel/Weser at the first testrun. |
26.10.2009 | Good news about the fishmigration in the river Elbe : At present there is a second fishway being built on the northern shore of the weir in Geesthacht. More about it in the pressrelease of Vattenfall. | |
25.10.2009 | The protocol of the AFGN- Mai-Meeting is now available. Further on all presentations alle presentations of this meeting are available. The next metting will be on the 27. of february 2010. | |
25.10.2009 |
Fish of the year 2009 is the european eel
an will be followed by the crucian carp in 2010 - a press release of the VDSF regarding this choice you can read under ... |
08.10.2009 | There is going to be a monitoring on sea- and riverlampreys for the fishway in Marklendorf at the river Aller in lower-saxony. | |
22.09.2009 | The main part of the lectures of the AFGN-meeting in may 2009 is now supplied under AFGN/meetings. | |
28.05.2009 |
This message came to me from Peter Wessendorf of the river Oste in lowersaxony : : Really amazing pictures of the lifecycle, spawningbehaviour and some Problems of wild salmon. Sadly only with norwegian comments... but worth seeing anyway. Duration app. 55 minutes. |
27.05.2009 |
"Salmon father" Hartwig Hahn from Aukrug Schleswig-Holstein sent me this picture
of a fresh salmon out of the river stoer in Schleswig-Holstein (northern germany) -
the nice clean fish of 96 cm and 8920 gram was caught by Bernd Streiwski
on the 19.05.2009 - the face tells the story...![]() |
24.05.2009 | Bernd Schlicker is new president of the LSFV Niedersachsen- the Anglers organisation of lower-saxony. | |
15.05.2009 |
Gute Nachrichten für die AFGN ! Wie Bernard Pieper der Präsident des
Landesfischereiverbandes Weser-Ems berichtete werden die Norddeutschen
Landesverbände die AFGN wie bisher unterstützen . Das Programm konnte sich dank
der toll aufgelegten Referenten sehen lassen. Ein Bericht über die Tagung wird
in Kürze an dieser Stelle erscheinen. Unter dem Tagungsverzeichnis können die Vorträge von Herr Diekmann (Aalbewirtschaftungsplan) vom LAVES und Herrn Schreiber (Konzept zur Durchgängigkeit der Weser) von der FGG Weser bereits eingesehen werden. Darüber hinaus wurde der von Karl-Hans Bahns gehaltene Vortrag auf der 36. Tagung nun auch verfügbar gemacht. |
06.05.2009 | Ein aktualisierte Version der Programmes der 42. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Fischarten und Gewässerschutz stehtbereit kann der Einladung zur Tagung entnommen werden. | |
09.04.2009 | Das Programm der 42. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Fischarten und Gewässerschutz steht fest und kann der Einladung zur Tagung entnommen werden. | |
23.03.2009 | Der Testbesatz mit Meerforellen aus der Wümme für die Kleine Aller war ein voller Erfolg mehr darüber hier... | |
06.03.2009 | In Königslutter am Elm findet eine öffentliches Lachsforum der AOLG statt. Hier ist das Programm. | |
04.03.2009 |
Unter der Rubrik AFGN wurde zum einen die
Anfänge zur Gründung eingestellt außerdem steht ein komplett
überarbeitetes Tagungsverzeichnis als .pdf-datei und als
MS-Excel-Datei. Weiterhin wurden
Information zur Oste aus den 80er
und 90er Jahren eingestellt. |
23.02.2009 |
Eine Nachlese der Saison 2008 von
der Stepenitz hat mir freundlicherweise Uli Thiel zugesandt. Besonders
Elbeanlieger sollten den Berichte bitte aufmerksam lesen.![]() Unter anderem konnte dieser schöne Lachs-Milchner bei den Elektrobefischungen gefangen werden. |
19.02.2009 |
Das AFGN-Projekt der "Angler- und Naturschutzgemeinschaft Nord-Niedersachsen"
der Este (Elbeeinzug) wurde eingefügt |
![]() |
23.01.2009 | Within the newspaper "die Welt" there the following article : about the build-up of the Weser-hydropowerstation was published. |
23.01.2009 | The 8th conference about fish telemetry held in Europe will take place in Umea/Sweden. More information you find under : : - I visited the 7th conference 2007 in Silkeborg and want to encourage every engaged fishprotectionist to visit this event - conference language is english. |