17.12.2007 | The northsea houting has been inserted on the hompage. |
12.12.2007 |
In a section about the AFGN there are
projects presented in an overview-map and a section about
publications of and with attendence of the AFGN-members is inserted. |
8.12.2007 |
At the river Oste - watershed of the river Elbe - as well as reported
from the river wuemme there are also record-catches while trying to get spawners for the hatcheries, as Peter Wessendorf reports. More about this under ... Furthermore there are very good catches in all west danish salmoncatches according to Gert Holldensgaard (Danmaks center for vildlaks) . Also good rates are reported of returners in the river Sieg in the watershed of river Rhine. |
6.12.2007 |
At the river Wuemme in the watershed of the river Weser between Bremen
and Hamburg there seems to be a new record of all time by the catch of spawners
since the projectstart 25 years ago ! More about it under the chapter
5.12.2007 | About the Workinggroup for the protection of fishspecies and the protection of water in northern germany - called AFGN (german abreviation) - there was a section implemented. |
4.12.2007 | Actual catch/stocking statistics about the river Oertze |
2.12.2007 |
Big surprise at the river Oertze in lower-saxony ! During a control-fishing
by members of the Aller-Oker-Salmon Community there were found about 10 big
Salmonids of which 3 could be caught - this fishes are seatrouts. Since
1938 there was no trace of migrating salmonids - therefore the
astonishment was very big.
However the year 2007 is a special one because of very high water
throughout the whole year in lower-saxon< so that the weirs in the river Weser
Hemelingen and
Langwedel were easier to pass than in other years. Further on the weir at Hademstorf
in the river Aller was opened because of high waters. The new weir at
Marklendorf (also river Aller) gave
the chance to pass the weir diractly because of high disscharge of the obstacle.
last obstacles for the fishes before entering the river Örtze in Bannetze
is a building-site at present and is this year also passable for migrating
fishes. The electric fishcatchdevice EFGI 4000 of the company Bretschneider in
combination with a dip net (80 cm diameter) and an expanse anode proofed to be
good a substition. |
30.11.2007 | Actual newsreport about the trial about the hydropowerstation in Bremen/Hemelingen taken from the "Bremer Anzeiger" at the 30.11.2007 |
22.11.2007 |
The trial about the planning of a hydropowerstation in
Bremen/Hemelingen begins. The 1. negotiation will be on 29.11.2007 at the
administrative court Bremen (Germany), Am Wall 201, 28195 Bremen. Starting
at 09.00 a.m. The negotiation is public. |
21.11.2007 |
The guideline about the payment of electricity out of hydropoweris a must for
every natureconswervist who is interessted in fishmigration 8only available in
german language) : http://www.erneuerbare-energien.de/files/gewaesserschutz/downloads/application/pdf/broschuere_leitfaden_wasserkraft.pdf Every promoted hdyropowerstation in germany should be proofed wether it fulfils the targets of this broschure. |
13.11.2007 |
In the Braunschweiger Zeitung today there is an article about the AOLG (Aller-Oker-salmon-Association) under http://www.newsclick.de/index.jsp/menuid/7534512/artid/7558050 in the internet. The quoted salmon of 1949 was caught in the river aller near Marklendorf an not in the river Oker... |
10.11.2007 |
A further important documentation is available in the Internet : under the
titel "Restaurierung von Kieslaichplätzen" (restoration of gravel spawningplaces) : http://www.lfvbayern.de/media/files/kieslaichdownloadlow.pdf |
12.10.2007 | The weir in Bannetze is being rebuilt - in this context there is a new fishway to be planned. |
10.10.2007 | The fishway in Marklendorf at the river Aller in Lower Saxony/Germany is now working. |
07.09.2007 | Neue information about the asp and the burbot. |
02.09.2007 |
New Information about a Bypass installation for Salmon kelts in
Falkenberg Sweden in the River
Aetran. This homepage will now be translated into english language |
23.07.2007 |
The 7. international conference on fishtelemetry took place in Silkeborg . Highlights : 1. In the observed european rivers (rhine, gudenaa) the limit of 40 % of silver eels that have to reach the sea, due to new european guideline, is not achieved in any of those rivers. 2. Within the usage of telemetric devices more often a mix of technologies is used. Coupling of for example acoustic and radiotransmitters can lead to more detailed information about the different fishspecies. 3. The usage of technical equipment should be a more international coordinated to achieve a network of telemetric detections - in some cases there exists a worldwide detection-network. More informations about this conference soon... |
05.06.2007 | The descriptions of the obstacles at Langlingen and Offensen at the river Aller in lower-saxony were entirely renewed. |
04.06.2007 | The description of the obstacle at Drakenburg in the river Weser in lower-saxony was entirely renewed. |
06.04.2007 | The description of the obstacles at Hameln in the river Weser in lower-saxony was entirely renewed and extended with informations about Maeanderfishway. |
20.03.2007 | In the watershed of the river rhine there are new informations about Iffezheim/Rhine and the solutions at Gambsheim/Rhine and Unkelmühle/Sieg . |
01.03.2007 |
Two new brochures from North-Rhine-Westfalia (Germany) are available in the Internet
as .pdf-file : 1.: the "Handbuch Querbauwerke" (Handbook
on migation obstacles) under
http://www.munlv.nrw.de/umwelt/pdf/handbuch_querbauwerke.pdf |
26.02.2007 | Actual stockingstatistics for the rivers Oker, Schunter and Örtze in lower-saxony (Germany) |
26.02.2007 | Renewed sites about the obstacles at Hademstorf and Bannetze at the river Aller. Completed informations about Marklendorf/Aller. |
13.02.2007 | New linksite on scientific informations around migrating fishspecies. |
10.02.2007 | The migrating fishspecies european eel (Anguilla anguilla) is now new on this pages. |
10.02.2007 | Optimizing works by the AOLG-member ASV Meinersen at the fishway in Meinersen in the river Oker (Lower-Saxony, Germany) |
03.02.2007 | Bad news for projects on migrating fishes in the river weser watershed in Germany: The official approval of plan to build a new hydropowerstation in Bremen-Hemelingen is being released. |
03.02.2007 | The new fishway at the Marktstrasse in Wolfenbüttel (lower-saxony, Germany) in the river Oker shows heavy defizits. |
01.02.2007 | The 7.conference on Fishtelemetry will take place on the 17.6. until 21.6 in Silkeborg/DK. Registration can be made until 15.2.2007 under http://www.fishtelemetry.eu/registration.asp |
19.01.2007 | The weir for the function-control in Marklendorf at the river Aller (lower-saxony, Germany) has been supplied. |
17.01.2007 | Actual pictures about Müden/Oker. (lower-saxony, Germany) |
16.01.2007 | Actual picture about the building of a new Fishway in Marklendorf at the lower part of the river Aller (lower-saxony, Germany). |
09.01.2007 | Renewed informations about the Smoltmonitoring 2004 in Müden at the river Oker due to a hint of Mrs. Lecour from LAVES - Department of Inlandfisheries. |